Frontiers on innovation studies with IP data
Time:2023-09-08        Views:447

Dr. Kazuyuki Motohashi

Date : 13:30-15:00, September 11, 2023

Venue: 1004, Zhonghe Building, Tongii University

Language: English

He is a professor at the Graduate School of Engineering & Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo. He serves as an editor at Research Policy and has published numerous articles in scholarly journals, including many highly cited studies on Japan and Chinese innovation systems and intellectual property

About the Lecture:

Professor Motohashi will deliver this lecture to doctoral candidates and senior master's students at SICIP. The lecture will focus on the utilization of patent data within the IP systems and innovation research and introduce frontiers of innovation studies.Additionally, he will offer guidance and advice on research proposal of SICIP doctoral candidates.