The Tianjin Patent Examination Center of China Intellectual PropertyOffice(SIPO) and the Shanghai International College of Intellectual Property (SICIP)of Tongji University signed a framework agreement for cooperation on IP-relatedbusinesses. This includes IP employee training as well as IP creation andapplication for the purpose of promoting the implementation ofinnovation-driven development strategies and national IP strategies. This willfurther enhance the students capabilities of higher education institutions inthe creation, application, protection, and management of IP as well as relatedservices. This agreement efficiently combines the research capabilities ofTongji University with high-caliber IP talents and extensive experience fromthe The Tianjin Patent Examination Center of China Intellectual Property Office.they will focus in health related IP field.

Shanghai International College of Intellectual Property alsoestablished a practice base in the Tianjin Patent Examination Center of CIPO.The base will serve as a practice platform for graduate students from thecollege, and excellent students will be chosen to perform actual patentexamination tasks in the Tianjin Patent Examination Center. Here the studentsare guided by senior inspectors in the examination of actual cases. In this way,the students will use the theories learned in the classroom to practices actualcases, and complement and reinforce their understanding and application of thespecial theories.

The Shanghai International College of Intellectual Property encourageall IP students to the practice base in the Tianjin Patent Examination Centerwhere they will be toughened in ability of IP guided in managing actual patentexamination tasks.
