Tongji Global IP Forum was held in Zonghe Buildung of Tongji University on 29 Oct. 2011. IP Experts from US, Germany, Japan, Italy, and Brazil gathered here to discuss the IP issues. Professor PEI Gang, President of Tongji University, attended the Working conference and delivered the opening speech for the Forum. He spoke highly of international IP courses to be discussed on the working conference.


Experts exchanged opinions on IP Development and Reform on Current Enforcement Practice of Patent in EU, Reform and Political Research of Patent Law in the US, Chinese IP System and Politics and other issues in this field.

Experts reached agreement on the forum that with the rapid development of knowledge economy, IP becomes a strategic resource to strengthen the national economy, scientific and technological competitiveness and to ensure national interests and economic security. With more and more internationalization, IP develops into an important part in technological, economic, trade and cultural cooperation and exchange between different countries. Global IP Forum was organized by Tongji Global Intellectual Property Institute (TGIPI) and the Law School of Tongji University.