“2013 Tongji Sino-German Economic Law Forum and inauguration of Sino-German Economic Law Institute” jointly held by Tongji University, Humboldt University and Konstanz University was held in Oct. 17 in Zonghe Building in Tongji University. Mr. Jiang Bo, the vice president of Tongji University, and Mr. Christian Bode, the director of Sino-German University projects of DAAD, attended the forum and inauguration ceremony of Sino-German (international) Economic Law institute. Prof. Cheng Deli, deputy Dean of Tongji Law School, Prof. Reinhard Singer, Dean of Humboldt Law School, Prof. A. Stadler from Konstanz University, and Prof. Gao Xujun, director of international affairs of Tongji Law School, also attended the meeting with experts and scholars in this field from China University of Political Science and Law, Nanjing University, Fudan University, and Zhejiang University, etc.

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      After discussion on Sino-German comparative research in the field of company Law, economic law, labor law, criminal law and intellectual property rights, etc, the participants expressed their own opinions on the related hot and controversial issues. Three law schools from Tongji University, Humboldt University and Konstanz University also held a small meeting on conducting the Dual-Master Degree Program concerning the selection and credits recognition of the exchange students. This forum is greatly supported by China University of Political Science and Law, Nanjing University, Fudan University and Zhejiang University.

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