October 18th 2017, Experts of International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) gave lectures to the students of SICIP on the topic of plant variety protection under the UPOV Convention via video conference lecture.


Ms. Yolanda Huerta, Legal Counsel of UPOV, focused on the motivation and means to protect the new plant varieties. She introduced the mission, membership and development of the Union. Mr. Chao Deng, Examiner of Ministry of Agriculture of UPOV, presented the situation of plant varieties protection in China. Mr. Tomochika Motomura, Technical/Regional Officer of UPOV in Asia, made brief introduction in some key provisions of the 1991 Act of the UPOV Convention, including breeders and varieties, genera and species, national treatment, conditions of protection and breeders right and exceptions etc. He also emphasized the benefits as an UPOV state member.


The lecture made students realize the importance of protecting plant varieties and the efforts made by the countries all over the world. For further information, please visit the website of UPOV (http://www.upov.int).