The WIPO International Network for IP Education (WINIPE)

The WIPO International Network for IP Education (WINIPE) is a platform for sharing ideas, intellectual property (IP) academic resources, brochures, curricula, syllabi and experiences among participants from WIPO university partners with a view to strengthening cooperation among the WIPO Joint Master’s Degree Programs.

WINIPE members include representatives from all WIPO Joint Master's Degree Programs: professors, lecturers, experts, current students participating in these programs and alumni.

Through WINIPE, members have the unique opportunity to get involved in enhancing IP curricula and syllabi; contribute to and access updated IP academic resources; engage in exchanges that can foster potential joint initiatives; share effective teaching methodologies; and support global IP education for youth.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. What are the different resources available through WINIPE?

  • The WINIPE platform provides:

  • More than 170 IP publications and e-books categorized under the “IP academic resources” tab;

  • Brochures and resources recommended by partner institutions under each of the program tabs in “Digital resources”; and

  • IP curricula and syllabi for each program under "Curricula and syllabi".

2. Who can become a member of WINIPE?

Access to WINIPE is reserved for partners and students from the WIPO Joint Master’s Degree Programs. If you would like to be registered on WINIPE, please contact the administration indicating your e-mail address, your full name, the program you are affiliated to and your status (student/alumnus/IP expert/professor).

3. How to participate on the WINIPE platform?

All participants are invited to use the forum under each of the programs’ tabs to share insights, start conversations, exchange knowledge, opinions and ideas about topics of interest related to IP.

In addition, the Global Discussion Forum is available for the collaboration of deans, directors, heads of programs, professors and experts of various Joint Master’s Degree Programs.

4. Do I need to download or install any software to be able to access the WINIPE platform?

The WIPO Academy is committed to ensuring the accessibility of its website and services to all users. The virtual network is accessible from any web browser via the WIPO eLearning Center from any laptop or mobile device. 

5. Can I share information with other members on the WINIPE virtual network?

The virtual network is a space to support collaboration and dialogue among members. If there is an activity or IP academic resource of relevance, we encourage you to share it with the WINIPE administrator. Dissemination of scientific resources and publications available on the platform is subject to copyright limitations, including use for educational purposes and not for commercial purposes.

6. Who can I contact if I need technical support or have any questions?

If you experience any issues with accessing the platform, please contact the WINIPE administrator. 

7. Can I access and use the resources that are listed under any of the Joint Master’s Degree Programs?

The WIPO Academy and the partners of its Joint Master’s Degree Programs have carefully curated resources available for the benefit of all WINIPE members. Use of scientific resources, publications and images from the platform is subject to copyright, including limitations in use for educational purposes and not for commercial purposes. Re-use of WINIPE platform resources is limited to the websites of the WINIPE virtual network members.

WINIPE – The WIPO International Network for Intellectual Property Education.pdf