












随后,师生们还赴金杜律师事务所专题交流,并参观金杜办公室和金杜艺术中心--瑞士百达摄影奖——“人”主题全球巡展。金杜知识产权部国际合伙人竺农范律师和高国征律师、 “一带一路”业务部合伙人赵京川律师逐一为同学们展开主题分享,金杜知识产权部负责合伙人王茂华律师、金杜学院执行院长汪蕊律师等出席本次活动。







The training sessions organized by the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) and Tongji University were meticulously planned and covered a wide range of topics. I had delved into the history and structure of the (CNIPA), gaining insights into its role and responsibilities in protecting intellectual property rights (IPR). The lectures provided a thorough overview of China's IP legislation, including the constitutional provisions, laws, administrative regulations, and the judicial authority of the IP courts.

One of the key learnings from the training was understanding the dual-track system for IP enforcement in China. This system allows IPR holders to seek enforcement through administrative offices or court procedures. This flexibility ensures that IP disputes can be resolved efficiently, with the possibility of appealing to higher courts if necessary. Additionally, I explored various types of IP protections, including patents, geographical indications, copyrights, and trade secrets, and how these are governed under Chinese law.

The sessions also emphasized the practical aspects of IP management, such as the electronic submission of IP registrations and the role of local IP offices in facilitating these processes. I learned about the out-of-court procedures for resolving IP disputes, which offer a faster and less  formal alternative to litigation. This aspect of IP management is crucial for maintaining a robust IP protection system and fostering innovation.

——Sey Leaphea,WIPO项目柬埔寨留学生

The workshops offered in this course have been invaluable in deepening my knowledge of intellectual property concepts and practices. From copyright and trademark law to patents and trade secrets, the workshops covered a wide range of topics, providing me with a solid foundation in the fundamentals of intellectual property.

The company visits have been a highlight of the training course, offering a unique opportunity to see intellectual property management in action in real-world settings. Visiting companies that excel in leveraging their intellectual property assets has been inspiring and educational. I have had the chance to witness how companies strategically protect their intellectual property, manage licensing agreements, and enforce their rights to safeguard their innovations and creations. These visits have provided me with a practical understanding of how intellectual property functions within the business environment and have given me valuable insights into best practices that I can apply in my own work.

——Lkhagvasuren Damdinsuren,“一带一路”项目蒙古留学生

A visit to VanJee Technology was conducted, a leader in the development of LiDAR technologies that are being utilised in the creation of autonomous vehicle as well as provision of safe transportation system across the world. The company exhibited some of its cutting-edge technologies which are yet to be released on the market, and a brief history from inception 30years and its desire to continue expanding leveraging on IP usage.

A tour of Tencent Holdings, a global tech giant, gave an insight of technologies on the market as well as initiatives taken to reduce environmental pollution through promoting green technologies in their operations. The tour showed how the company is dedicated in providing sustainable environmentally friendly technologies.

——Clarence Takudzwa Mupfurutsa,“一带一路”项目津巴布韦留学生

The visit to VanJee Technology provided a glimpse into how technology companies in China are innovating and protecting their IP. As a leader in intelligent transportation solutions, VanJee exemplifies how cutting-edge technology and strong IP strategies can drive industry success.

The visit to Tencent further illustrated the critical role of IP in the tech industry. As one of China’s largest and most influential technology companies, Tencent’s approach to IP management and innovation protection provided us with practical examples of how major corporations navigate the complex landscape of IP law.

——Fatemeh Zahra Talebi,WIPO项目伊朗留学生

