Luke McDonagh

Current Employment:

Senior Lecturer and Graduate Entry LLB Programme Director at The City Law School, City, University of London (app. Sept 2015).

Academic Qualifications:

During September 2007-May 2011, I completed my Ph. D. at Queen Mary, University of London in the area of Copyright Law. I passed my VIVA in May 2011.

During 2006-07 I completed the LL.M. in Public Law at the London School of Economics with Merit (64%).

From 2002-05 I completed the B.C.L. at NUI Galway with 2.1 honours (67%).

Previous & Visiting Appointments:

From August-Sept 2017, I was a Visiting Lecturer at Keio University Law School, Tokyo.

From August 2013-Sept 2015 I was a Lecturer in IP Law at Cardiff University.

From March-April 2015, I was a Visiting Scholar at Waseda Law School, Tokyo.

From September 2011-July 2013 I was LSE Fellow in the Law Department at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). 
