




开放友好 One Belt & One Road

Guided by the principle of peace the Belt and Road is into a road for peace, because the hope of the Chinese government is to achieve a new model of win-win cooperation and the pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative requires a peaceful and stable environment. Without the intention to form a small group in detrimental to stability, the idea of creating a big family of harmonious co-existence is one of the aims.  


——Reynier Martín García | 古巴

互联网+    Alibaba

I’d like to talk about Alipay, which is like an e-wallet for me, and in fact, it’s much more than a wallet. It has incredible features and functions than you can’t even imagine.


——Kang Sam Oeun | 柬埔寨

城市治理  City Planning

Whenever I was thinking of China prior to my arrival, the first thought that comes into my mind was a fuss, a crowd, a lot of people rushing anxiously to reach somewhere.But, since my arrival in Shanghai, I have noticed that all of this things that I was assuming are not that true, and that it’s a bit different from my prior expectations.In china, the government attaches great importance to growing better at ensuring and improving people’s well being and developing new approaches to social governance. So China has made significant progress on city planning recent years.


——Filip Simjanovski | 马其顿 

璀璨文化 Resplendent Culture

Culture is a country and nation’s soul. Our country will thrive only if our culture thrives, and our nation will be strong only if our culture is strong. Without full confidence in our culture, without a rich and prosperous culture, the Chinese nation will not be able to rejuvenate itself.


——陈盈汐 | 中国

美丽乡村 Attractive Countryside

The countryside in China already has a new outlook, things there are stepping toward a more beautiful, bright future, developing in a innovative way. Although much work need done upon issues like environment pollution, the lives of kids who are left at countryside while their parents are working in big cities to struggle for a better life for the families.


——程晓海 | 中国

中国速度  Fast

Today I want to say the keyword is fast. First of all, it can be reflected in our lives.We buy clothes on Taobao, and we have to deal with the express every day.We travel with high-speed train, which is the fastest train in the world, the city and the countryside can be convenient. Secondly, china developes very fast. Since the reform and opening up, our national strength has developed rapidly.We can eat delicious food from all over the world.We can travel around the world, and we enjoy those fast and the convenient.

今天我想说的关键字是快。首先,它可以反映在我们的生活中。我们在淘宝上买衣服,我们必须每天处理快递。我们乘坐高速列车,这是世界上最快的列车,城市和农村之间来往非常方便。其次,中国发展速度很快。 改革开放以来,我国的综合实力发展很快,我们可以吃遍世界各地的美食,我们可以环游世界,我们非常享受这些便利。

——罗凯中 | 中国

创新理念  Ideas

My little speech will depict China as a source of ideas from acient times , including its worldwide famouse inventions and phylosophic ideas as well as contemporary China with a great potential for innovation. Innovation is the primary driving force behind development, so I understand why China developments so fast.


——Indre Uzukukyte | 立陶宛

工匠精神 Chinese Architecture

I would have to say that my first experiences here in Shanghai has yet again confirmed to me of how magnificent the Chinese are at design and I am utterly happy to be studying at Tongji University which  is of  course one of the intellectual  hubs  for  creating  this  kind  of design oriented talent in China.


——Bataa Ariun | 蒙古



We are entering a new era.


——R.Charles Coombes 


China will rule the world in 10 to 15 years.


——Oosterlinck Andre


It's almost like a miracle.


——Carlos Salema



