



On September 17th, 2017, Shanghai International College of Intellectual Property (SICIP) held thesis defense of PhD candidates in the intellectual property law direction of civil and commercial law discipline in Room 1006 of Zonghe Building.



The Defense Committee members were comprised by Professor Zhang Naigen of Fudan University School of Law, Professor He Min of School of Intellectual Property of East China University of Politics and Law, Professor Xu Chunming ofShanghai University School of Intellectual Property, Professors Shan Xiaoguang and Liu Xiaohai of SICIP of Tongji University. Two PhD candidates Guo Jun and Li Chuanghao under the supervision of Professor Zhu Xuezhong defended their theses.



During the defense, the two PhD candidates elaborated and demonstrated their selection of thesis topics, research issues and conclusions.



The Defense Committee members put forward questions and provided suggestions for each candidate’s thesis and defense. The candidates made corresponding responses and explanations according to the questions.



Through discussion and secret ballot by the Defense Committee, the two PhD candidates Guo Jun and Li Chuanghao successfully passed the defense.



Before the defense, the two theses have been approved by the inner-university pre-defense and blind review of external experts. The outcome of the defense will be finally approved by the Discipline Academic Degree Sub-committee and the University Academic Degree Committee.


